توصیف Hometown یا زادگاه یکی از متداول‌ترین سوالات پارت ۱ و ۲ اسپیکینگ آیلتس هست. در این درس  یاد می‌گیرید:‌

  • کلمات پرتکرار یا high frequency رو برای توصیف زادگاه تون استفاده کنید.
  • کلمات و عبارات less common یا کمتر متداول مربوط به تاپیک شهر رو بکار ببرید.
  • درباره زادگاه‌تون حرف بزنید و بگید چه چیزاییش رو دوست دارید یا ندارید.
  • سوالات رسمی اسپیکینگ آیلتس درباره تاپیک hometown رو در هر دو پارت ۱ و ۲ جواب بدید.

اگه سطح پایین‌تر از متوسط هستید، با فایل‌های صوتی یونیت ۳۵ و ۳۶ از کتاب آکسفورد ورد اسکیلز شروع کنید.

این پادکست‌ها توسط گوینده امریکایی ضبط شدن و معنی و توضیحات فارسی دارن.

Describe Tehran IELTS جواب

ویدیوی نمونه جواب Describe your hometown درباره تهران رو در صفحه اینستاگرام آیلتس با خانوم میم ببینید.

IELTS Vocabulary about Hometown

In this lesson, you will learn how to describe your hometown or Tehran on the IELTS Speaking and Writing tests.

This lesson is ideal for Intermediate learners and IELTS test-takers looking to improve their vocabulary range.

Target words: arty, spectacular, polluted, lively, cosmopolitan, populous, smart

Also useful: poor, colorful, expensive, modern, romantic, friendly, old-fashioned, crowded, historic, peaceful, dangerous, industrial, touristy

  • Arty

having artistic qualities or interesting for art lovers

جواب describe your hometown IELTS

Is Tehran an arty city?

There is a good number of museums and art galleries in Tehran, but I don’t think it’s an ideal place for art lovers.

Creative people can probably have a lot more fun in cities like Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, and so on.

But wait a minute!

Is artiness just about having many art galleries?


A city can be arty for its restaurants and cafés, bars, and boutiques all covered in paintings; Just like Barcelona.

describe your city in IELTS

Also, street art is something that can make a city arty. As you can see in the photo below, graffiti makes Melbourne so arty.

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surfaces, usually without permission and within public view.

talk about your hometown IELTS

However, colorfulness is not the only thing that makes a place arty; what’s more, fashion, music events, history, and architecture all add to the artiness of a city.

With all that being said, do you still think of Tehran as an arty city?

I’d say Yazd is a lot artier than Tehran.

This was a cafe I found next to Mortaz house – the school of Arts and Architecture of Yazd.

talk about Yazd IELTS

And guess what!? There were dozens of other traditional coffee places and restaurants, all looked as arty and nostalgic.

Make sure you read/watch – if not already – my travel blog on this arty city here.

So, Yazd was pretty spectacular.

  • Spectacular

beautiful in an eye-catching way

spectacular City Vocabulary

To me, Mykonos and Santorini – two famous islands in Greece – were both spectacular; Just like the photo, I took from the window of my hotel back in 2014.

Think of a spectacular city in Iran/the world? Somewhere with amazing scenery and landscapes.

  • Polluted

unclean (air, water, …) especially because of harmful chemicals

polluted City Vocabulary

Some would say Tehran is just another dirty, busy, polluted city?

Well … being the capital city of the country, it has pollution and traffic problems for sure. But, there are far more polluted cities in the world.

You think Los Angeles is all rainbows and sunshine!? The photo above shows how polluted Los Angeles is.

  • Lively

busy and full of life

سوالات hometown آیلتس

Is Tehran a lively city?

Many would argue that no city is livelier than Istanbul.

It’s always buzzing with tourists and locals as you can see in the photo above.

It’s alive.

  • Cosmopolitan

including people from many different countries

تاپیک زادگاه در آیلتس

Being cosmopolitan is about having a large number of tourists and migrants from different cultural backgrounds.

Can you guess which city in the world is the most cosmopolitan?


Nope! It ranks second but Dubai made it to the top as the most multicultural city in 2014.

Yes, more than 80% of the population was born outside of the country. Pretty amazing, right?

  • Populous

crowded, having a large population


Delhi in India is much more populous than Tehran. In fact, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

  • Smart

using technology to improve the quality of life 

smart City Vocabulary

Cities like Tokyo and London are examples of smart cities. They are even smarter than American cities like New York.

Is smartness all about the use of technology?

A large part of the smartness comes from having advanced automation solutions in housing, water, power, healthcare, and in any kind of service delivery.

An example of this could be Smart Garbage Cans which automatically send data to waste management companies and schedule pick-up as needed versus on a pre-planned schedule.

Sounds like the future, yeah? It’s actually the present, not for us though … just yet.

Vocabulary to talk about Tehran or your hometown

Describe Tehran in IELTS Speaking

Tehran is situated in the northern part of the country.

It is located in north-central Iran at the foot of the Elburz mountain range

It’s Iran’s administrative, economic, and cultural center as well as the major industrial and transport center of the region.

Also, to show off your vocabulary range even more! add that Tehran is a metropolis.

Tehran IELTS

Metropolis is a large city that is a significant economic, political, and cultural center for a country or region, and an important hub for regional or international connections, commerce, and communications.

Metropolis and megacity can be used interchangeably.

If you are aiming for a band 7 and above in the IELTS Speaking test, I highly recommend you to go over this rich article about Tehran on Britannica – the general knowledge English-language online encyclopedia.

The article is written by Ali Madanipour, Professor of Urban Design, Newcastle University, United Kingdom.

Things I like/dislike about Tehran

Like I said earlier, as the capital city of Iran, Tehran is really just a mess!

Obviously, the biggest issues that we are facing today are traffic congestion and air pollution.

ps. To learn how to speak about pollution, check out the Environment topic.

What’s special about your hometown?

More often than not, cities and towns are underappreciated by the locals.

This is something that I got to experience first-hand when I hosted Shina and Bijan – My cousins – from the States, a few years back.

Only then, I realized how much negativity has surrounded the name of Tehran, a city that has been home to us for decades.

You can hear about the journey here. Very powerful.

Enough with the nostalgia! Let’s see how we can tackle the question in the IELTS Speaking test:

What is your hometown known for?

You can go ahead and talk about Tehran’s most famous landmark – Milad Tower – which is the world’s sixth-tallest self-supporting tower.

You can read more on this, on Wikipedia; but I’d say just a couple of sentences about Milad Tower will suffice for the test.

IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers

IELTS Speaking Questions about Hometown

Part 1

Let’s talk about your town or village.

  • Can you tell me something about your hometown?
  • What kind of place is it?
  • What is your hometown like?
  • How long have you been living there and why?
  • What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?
  • Would you say it’s a good place to live? Why?
  • What are some of the good things about this town?
  • Do you like your hometown?
  • Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?

Part 2

Describe your city. You should say

  • Where it is,
  • What it is known for,
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?
  • What are some of the problems your city faces?

Describe your hometown. You should say

  • Describe the place
  • What is special about it?
  • Compare it to other cities in the world?

___________ Your Turn ____________

Describe your hometown below.