تاپیک Celebrity یکی از جالب‌ترین و متدوال‌ترین موضوعات اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ آیلتس هست.

با وجود اینکه بنظر میاد اظهار نظر درباره شهرت و سلبرتی‌ها باید کار راحتی باشه اما خیلی‌ از کاندیداها در استفاده از لغات کمتر متداول و اصطلاحات سطح بالاتر دچار مشکل میشن.

با این درس یاد می‌گیرید دامنه وسیعی از less common vocabulary و idiomatic language رو در پاسخ به سوالات موضوع Celebrity استفاده کنید.

استفاده از لغات کم تکرار و عبارات اصطلاحی در آیلتس کمک‌ میکنه در ملاک Lexical Resource نمره بالاتری بگیرید.

اگه هنوز درباره ملاک‌های نمره‌گذاری و ساختار آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس نمی‌دونید، این پست رو ببینید.


منابع مرتبط با تاپیک Celebrity در آیلتس

این درس لغات مرتبط با موضوع Celebrity و نحوه پاسخدهی به سوالات هر سه پارت اسپیکینگ آیلتس رو بهتون یاد میده.

اما برای اینکه بتونید ایده‌های مناسب‌تر و منسجم‌تری رو توسعه بدید، باید درک وسیع‌تری از تاپیک Celebrity داشته باشید.

منابعی که معرفی میکنم می‌تونه دید خیلی خوبی نسبت به این موضوع بهتون بده.

کتاب focus on vocabulary 1 درباره celebrity & heroism

One# Balloon Boy Brand Failure

این درس از کتاب Focus on Vocabulary 1 انقدررر عبارات و اصطلاحات کاربردی درباره موضوع Celebrity داره که به تنهایی مرزهای وکب شما رو می‌تونه جابه‌جا کنه!

این درس درباره خونواده‌ایه که با یه حقه رسانه‌ای سعی کردن توجه دنیا رو به خودشون جلب کنن اما در نهایت، این معرکه‌گیری به ضررشون تموم شد.

تمرینات این کتاب بسیاااار موثره و معنی و کاربرد و … کلمات هدف رو برای همیشه در ذهن‌تون حک می‌کنه.

  • متن PDF این درس رو اینجا بخونید.
  • فایل mp3 این درس رو اینجا گوش کنید.
  • تمرینات لغت این درس رو اینجا انجام بدید.

کتاب Focus on vocabulary 1 درباره Celebrity

Two# Who’s a hero?

این درس از کتاب Focus on Vocabulary 1 هست و به Heroism پرداخته، مفهومی که در قیل‌وقال سلبرتی‌های امروزی گم شده.

در معرفی چند دسته از قهرمانان و افراد تاثیر‌گذار تاریخ، عبارات و کالوکیشن‌‌های بسیار مفیده استفاده شده.

با وجود اینکه این درس مستقیما به تاپیک Celebrity مرتبط نیست و بیشتر به موضوع Heroism و قهرمانی می‌پردازه، اما می‌تونه کمک کنه درباره افراد تاثیر‌گذار و الگوهای زندگی‌‌تون یا کشورتون حرف بزنید.

  • متن PDF این درس رو اینجا بخونید.
  • فایل mp3 این درس رو اینجا گوش کنید.
  • تمرینات لغت این درس رو اینجا انجام بدید.

کتاب Focus on vocabulary 1 درباره celebrity & heroes

Three# Japanese & American Comic Book Heroes

عنوانش ممکنه جذب‌تون نکنه اما دامنه اطلاعات و لغات شما رو به معنی واقعی کلمه استرچ میکنه!

تمرکز این درس، محبوبیت همزمان – اما اتفاقی – داستان‌های کُمیک‌های امریکایی و ژاپنی و تشابهات و تمایزات این دو سبک هست.

  • متن PDF این درس رو اینجا بخونید.
  • فایل mp3 این درس رو اینجا گوش کنید.
  • تمرینات لغت این درس رو اینجا انجام بدید.

IELTS vocabulary for speaking and writing


Definition of Celebrity

The word celebrity is being thrown around much, but it’s little known that can refer both to the state of fame and the person who enjoys it.

celebrity definition

Synonyms for celebrity as a state:

fame, renown, visibility, reputation, being in the know, stardom, popularity

Synonyms for celebrity as a person:

 famed, figure, icon, star, widely known, famed, pioneer, personality, somebody

PS. These words are not interchangeable in every context, so be careful!

Celebrity & Fame Collocations

Adjectives that go with Celebrity

▫️International celebrity 

e.g. Cristiano Ronaldo is an international celebrity.

▫️Local Celebrity 

This reminds me of what we call in Farsi بچه معروف محل or something along those lines. So in this sense, the person is unknown beyond that locale.

 definition of local celebrity

▫️National Celebrity 

e.g. Mr. Shajarian was a national celebrity in Iran.

Verbs that go with Celebrity or Fame

▫️make celebrity

Celebrities are made or something makes a celebrity or something makes someone a celebrity

e.g. The show makes an otherwise ordinary person, an overnight celebrity.

Also, Instant Celebrity

▫️become a celebrity

e.g. She became an Instagram celebrity by posting nude pictures of herself.

▫️achieve fame/celebrity

fame is achieved (to achieve fame)

▫️gain fame

fame is gained (to gain fame)

▫️boost fame

fame can also be boosted (to boost fame)

▫️be famed

He was famed for his controversial comments on social media.

▫️rise to fame

e.g. She first rose to fame as a singer at the age of 14.

Be careful with this one though, it makes you sound poetic or like a History book as in saying به شهرت رسید.

Phrases with Celebrity

an informal stock phrase that can set you apart from lower-level test takers is

▫️something of a celebrity

e.g. His success has made him something of a celebrity.

e.g. Along the way, she became something of a celebrity.

One could think of it as equivalent to when we say شهرتی برای خودش بهم زده یا دست‌وپا کرده in Farsi.

This also implies that the person isn’t as famous as a movie star but still is a bit of a celebrity.

IELTS Speaking Part one Questions

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions

▪️Who are the most popular celebrities in your country?

Almost always start with paraphrasing the ‘meat’ of the question which is the topic key phrase or the most important part of the question.

In this case, it is ‘the most popular celebrities in Iran’:

The most trending figures/people/stars/individuals

Incredibly famous celebrities in my country

National celebrities in my country

▪️What kinds of people, in your country, are usually in the news?

Your answer has to include more than one category of celebrities and famous people.

e.g. Mostly those in the entertainment industry like actors and actresses, musical artists as well as athletes, and sports stars.

▪️Would you like to be a celebrity? Why?

Useful language if you tend to say YES

e.g. Why not! High visibility results in greater privileges, power, pay, and perks.

Useful language if you tend to say NO

e.g. Being in the know is attractive but it comes with a price tag OR it comes at a price; you’ll have to sacrifice one’s privacy (e.g. to the photographer’s lens)

▪️Are all people on TV famous?

The primary reason that TV makes almost anyone an overnight celebrity is the wide reach of mass media (e.g. TV, newspaper, radio).

But you need to give an IELTS-style answer to this question by saying:

“I tend to say yes, television can make you an instant celebrity and there is a good reason for this which is the wide reach of mass media in general and the fact that It gives you the chance to project yourself into the public eye.”

▪️Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?

This is your chance – out of many – on the test to use less common vocabulary and/or idiomatic language such as:

▫️Fake news tends to spread like the plague in today’s society. (idiomatic)

▫️Hoax (Fake news)

▫️juicy gossip

“Not necessarily. Although fake news is commonly associated with celebrity journalism because a lot of it revolves around gossip which people love! But, journalists can easily manipulate hoax into the ‘truth’ in order for people to read it. So we’d have to constantly beware of this.”

▪️Why do people want to be famous?

Useful language

“Modern society is obsessed with fame; mainly because they seek stardom with which comes pay, perks, and power. On top of that, I guess human beings intrinsically aspire towards standing out and separating oneself from the anonymity of the crowd.”

▫️The rise of celebrity culture

▫️To project oneself into the public eye

▫️To separate oneself from the anonymity of the crowd

▫️To be elevated to high visibility

▫️High visibility

▫️Highly visible

e.g. People want to become highly visible

wannabe celebrities

vie [to compete with someone in order to do or achieve something]

e.g. to vie for a place in the team

Wannabe celebrities are vying to keep their place in the public eye

elevated visibility

repeated exposure in the media

To be marketable for sth. (e.g. a purpose)

e.g. The balloon family wanted to be marketable for the future media interests

put sb. in the public eye

keep sb. in the public eye

widen one’s reach

to brand oneself as an … e.g. adventurer/entrepreneur

a human brand e.g. Beckham is a successful/famous human brand


IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions

▪️Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people.

You should say:

Who this person is/was

Where this person lives/lived

What he/she has done to help people

And explain how you know about this person.

Useful Language

To be adored for sth./doing sth.

Look up to

Hold in high regard

Regard as heroic

To have nothing but admiration for sb.

be endowed with abilities

Superb leadership

Courageous deed


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions

▪️Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Useful Language

To have a right to privacy

Deserve privacy

Expect privacy

Invasion of privacy


everyone deserves the same amount of privacy

All people are entitled to privacy.

Fame does not necessitate a loss of privacy

widely known figures are public properties, Obsessing over celebrities’ personal lives is partly what has brought them fame.

e.g.Those stars who expect to have personal privacy seem to be trying to have it both ways, meaning they want to be recognized and sometimes not to draw attention; for example when spending time with family or loved ones in public.

▪️How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?

Public figures often:

▫️serve as role models

▫️their endorsements influence fashion trends

▫️they influence people’s political views

▫️drive their fans to try and push for the same lifestyle

▫️their harmful behaviors such as substance use, unstable relationships, promiscuity

To give your answer, rephrase ‘celebrity influence’ into ‘they can be influential’ and definitely use signposting language:

They can be influential in a number of ways of which the most significant one(s) is/are … 

There are a number of ways in which they can be influential …

The use of noun clause is what makes the difference in the criteria of Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

This would be a well-developed model answer:

They can be influential in a number of ways of which the most significant one is using their credibility and star power to negotiate their political messages to the public. As an example, during the previous presidential election in Iran, TV and sports personalities’ endorsements had a great impact on the way voters especially the young ones interpreted and made sense of the political issues and trends. 

celebrity endorsement in IELTS SPEAKING

Useful language for IELTS

Celebrity Vocabulary

And some more incredibly useful vocabulary that did not fit in elsewhere!

▫️To increase [overall] popularity



▫️Attract (a lot of) media attention

▫️Social media stunt OR news stunt OR publicity stunt

▫️Breaking news

▫️To be taken over by a news

e.g. The media was taken over by the news

▫️The world turns its eyes to sth./sb.

e.g. in the Balloon boy Brand Failure, the world turned its eyes to Colorado when the news broke out.

▫️worldwide popularity

▫️attributed celebrity

Ordinary people with no genuine talent or skill who achieve fame simply through repeated media exposure

▫️fade into obscurity (to gradually be forgotten after being well-known)

▫️Battlefield courage

▫️Community service

▫️Exceptional personalities


▫️War heroes

▫️Explorers and adventurers

▫️A revolutionary person

▫️Peace Noble prize winner

▫️Medal of honor

▫️Restore hope/confidence/peace

▫️Splendid achievement

▫️Heroic deed

▫️In the face of horrendous dangers

▫️High ranking military officers

▫️Justifiably admired for sth.

▫️credited with doing sth.

IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers

IELTS Speaking Questions About Celebrity

Part 1

▫️Do you like celebrities? Why? Why not?

▫️Do you like any foreign celebrities?

▫️Have you ever met a celebrity in person?

▫️Do you want to be a superstar?

▫️Why is the news often about famous people?

▫️Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?

Part 2

Describe an old person you admire. You should say:

Who this person is

Where did you meet with him

What characteristics you most like about him

And explain why do you admire this person

Describe a film/movie actor from your country who is very popular:

 You should say:

Who this actor is

What kinds of films/movies he/she acts in

What you know about this actor’s life

And explain why this actor is so popular.

Part 3

▫️Should celebrities have a personal life like any ordinary citizen? [Why/Why not]

▫️Who were the famous persons 50 years ago and who will be famous in the next 50 years?

▫️Could superstars bring positive influence to the public?

▫️How some famous people set negative examples?

▫️Do you think famous people have a responsibility to act as role models for the younger generation?