این پست درباره Upbringing یا تربیت بچه است.

bring up یک فعل عبارتی یا دو بخشی [Phrasal Verb] هست که معنی تربیت کردن و بارآوردن بچه رو میده. upbringing اسم یا noun form این فعل هست.

در این درس می‌تونید گرامر would vs. used to رو هم مرور کنید و کلی اصطلاح و لغت مربوط به parenting رو یاد بگیرید.

این پست مناسب زبان‌آموزای سطح intermediate و بالاتره؛ کالوکیش‌ها و لغتهای انتهای این پست، می‌تونه در آزمون آیلتس خیلیییی کمک‌تون کنه.

کلمات ناآشنا رو اول با استفاده از متن حدس بزنید و بعد معنی‌شون رو تو دیکشنری پیدا کنید.

Childhood and Upbringing

Adapted from Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Intermediate Level

Rafael Martin (27), who is half Spanish and half British, grew up and went to school in the same part of London as Mi-Sun (Emily) Kim (28), whose family is Korean. However, their upbringings were different.

talk about your upbringing

Listen to Mi-Sun/Emily and Rafael talking about their upbringings.

Basically, my upbringing was fairly easy-going I guess. I mean my parents used to have rules, we had to do our homework and we had to go to bed at a certain time. And we would get into trouble if we were rude, or if me and my sister were mean to each other, they used to punish us sometimes if we did something really naughty. They would stop our pocket money or send us to bed early. But I don’t remember a lot of punishments.

Things their parents permitted/did not permit

My parents were very strict. They didn’t believe in giving us freedom and allowing us to choose things for ourselves. we didn’t use to go to friends’ houses to play after school and they didn’t allow sleepovers, because we had to study. Even when I was eighteen, I couldn’t go out in the evenings with my friends because of exams.

We had quite a lot of freedom, I mean generally, if we wanted to do things, we could. After school, we used to play in the street with our friends … football or skateboarding or something … or we’d go inside and play games on the computer.

When I was about eleven I used to love going into town with my friends and hanging out. I thought I was really cool. And my parents were fine with that.

We had a few fights about things when I was a teenager, I got my ears pierced without telling them. I was about fifteen and my mom didn’t like that. There were one or two things like that, but generally, it was cool. I could go out with my friends when I wanted to and they didn’t mind if I stayed out late.

Things their parents insisted on

We didn’t choose which activities we did. My parents decided. My mom decided that my brother and I should both learn the piano, so that’s what we did. We used to practice for two hours after school and more at the weekend.

Occasionally I argued with my mom about piano practice and then my dad would really tell me off. I’d feel really ashamed. In Korean culture, you should always show respect to your parents.

Doing well/poorly at school

schoolwork was quite important to my mom and dad. They would get angry if we got into trouble at school. but they also encouraged us a lot and they often didn’t criticize us. Mom always used to say ‘just do your best, that’s all you can do’.

My parents were especially strict about schoolwork. They expected us to get A’s in every exam and every piece of work. I remember once my brother didn’t get a very good mark in a test and my dad got really really angry. My mom bought some books and he had to do hours and hours of extra homework until he improved.

Praise and upbringing

They did praise us but you had to be really excellent at something before they praised you. You really had to work to get that praise. It sounds a bit hard but we accepted it, because the other Korean parents we knew were the same with their kids. So it was normal for us.

How will you bring up your child

I’m not sure if I will bring my children up the same way. But I think my parents actually have given me a lot of confidence in myself. I know that if I work really hard, I can do anything. And I think that’s a very good lesson in life.

>> Useful Language

تو این قسمت کالوکیشن‌ها یا کلماتی که با upbringing می‌تونن استفاده بشن رو یاد می‌گیریم.

اگه می‌خواید از کسی درباره طرز تربیتش بپرسید می‌تونید بگید:

What was your upbringing like?

وقتی می‌خواید درباره نوع تربیت صحبت کنید، این صفت‌ها رو می‌تونید بکار ببرید:

▪️middle-class upbringing

Example: She had a comfortable middle-class upbringing. 

▪️a religious/Muslim/Catholic etc upbringing

Example: Because of her Catholic upbringing, she would not divorce her husband.

▪️a sheltered upbringing (protected from difficult or unpleasant experiences)

Example: I’d had a very sheltered upbringing, so going to college was a real eye-opener.

▪️a privileged upbringing (being raised in a wealthy family)

Due to his privileged upbringing, he finds it difficult to identify with ordinary people.

▪️a good upbringing

However good their upbringing, young people may still behave badly.

درست مثل فارسی که می‌گیم من تربیت خوب یا سختی ‘داشتم’، در انگلیسی هم از فعل have استفاده می‌کنیم، مثلا:

have a religious OR tough upbringing 

I had a rather unsettled (unstable) upbringing, moving with my father from town to town.

_______________ Your Turn _______________ 

What was your upbringing like?

Was it more similar to Emily’s or Rafael’s?